
Sphere of scientific interests

Metallurgy, engineering, metalwork, rolling, distortion, processing of man-caused waste.

Delivered disciplines
Practice of material processing technology. Modern equipment and technologies for welding. Modern metal working. The problems of creating technological machines and equipment.



1993 - 1998 y.   Kazakh National Technical University after K.I Satpayev specialty « Metallurgy Engineer»

2002 – 2005y.   postgraduate study at the Kazakh National Technical University after K.I Satpayev

Work experience

03.12.2005 - 03.10.2011 Assistant, lecturer of the department "Metallurgical processes and technology of special materials".
03.10.2011 - 31.08.2014. Senior lecturer of the department "Mining and metallurgical machinery and equipment"
02/09/2014 - 01/02/2017 Senior teacher, acting. Associate Professor of Non-ferrous Metals

07.09.2017 for o.t    Senior lector of  «Technological machines and equipment»

Awards and Honours

  • Winner of the grant "Talented young scientist", 2006 y
  • Winner of the grant "Talented young scientist", 2010 y


Published works

 Total number of publications is 30, including 18 scientific articles, 4 teaching and methodical complexes, 2 textbook..

  1. Elemesov K.K., Kilybaev E.O., Kakimov U.K., “Металлургия машиналарын майлау”. Study guide. Almaty: КаzNТU, 2013 – 169p.
  2. Kilibaev EO, Textbook. Fundamentals of scientific research in metallurgy. Almaty, KazNRTU, 2016, p. 135


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